Urdu translation of Islam's Response to Contemporary Issues, is a lecture delivered at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (London) by Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV, the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community.
Based on Quranic teachings, the speaker argues that:
Message of this great lecture is timeless and relates to the future prospects for peace. If the speaker is proved right in most of his predictions, as he has already been proved right in some of them, no one can afford to ignore this message.
Based on Quranic teachings, the speaker argues that:
- Swords can win territories but not hearts, forces can bend heads but not minds;
- The role of women is not of concubines in harems nor a society imprisoned in the four wall of their houses;
- Richer nations provide aid with strings attached and yet the flow of wealth continues to be in the direction of the rich while the poorer sink deeper in the red;
- Religion does not need to be the predominant legislative authority in the political affairs of the state;
- Irrespective of the thawing of the cold war, the issue of war and peace does not only hang by the thread of superpower relationship.
- Without God there can be no peace.
Message of this great lecture is timeless and relates to the future prospects for peace. If the speaker is proved right in most of his predictions, as he has already been proved right in some of them, no one can afford to ignore this message.