Al-Qaseedah (English & Urdu)

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Al-Qaseedah (English & Urdu)

Urdu translation: Maulana Abdul Mannan Shahid Sahib

English translation: Dr. Saleemur Rahman Sahib

This poem was first published by the Promised Messiah (as), in his book A'ina Kamalat-e-Islam in 1893.

Hazrat Pir Sirajul Haque (r.a.) narrates that: "When the Promised Messiah (a.s.) completed writing this poem, his face lit up with joy and he said: Allah has told me that this poem has found acceptance by Allah. He will bestow his love and the love of the Prophet (s.a.w.) and will grant his nearness to anyone who commits this poem to memory and recites it constantly."

Hazrat Dr. Khalifa Rashiduddin (r.a.) narrates that: "The Promised Messiah (a.s.) used to advise regarding the Qaseedah that whosoever memorized this Qaseedah, his memory would be blessed (enhanced) by Allah."